Build pictures

I didn't have a great deal of time to build this guitar, I did get some parts from Lee to get me going but it was still a mission to get it done in a couple of months, the bass pickups are Nordstrand and the 12-string pickups Seymour Duncan, the controls are a blend, volume and tone for each neck.  

Here's the whole thing, 12-String and bass body halves and wings.

MDF templates to check the fit and layout, also to aid cutting-out and routing the body parts.

Bit of a confusing picture but these are the joining plates for the body halves and wings but also double up as the contacts for passing through the wiring between the halves of the guitar, so you have an earth and hot wire for each of the pickups.

Getting done!

Assembled as two guitars.

.  .  .  .And as one twin neck